jeudi 19 juillet 2012

Nouveau firmware, nouvelles fonctionnalités

73s chers OMs de F4ILX

Un nouveau firmware fait son chemin actuellement pour le KX3.

Cette nouvelle mouture MCU 1.10 et DSP 0.94 apporte le NR (réduction de bruit) et AN (auto notch)

La réduction de bruit est une des fonctions les plus attendue et qui apporte le plus de confort, l'auto notch va aussi supprimer les porteuses déplaisantes qui nous écorchent les oreilles.

Ici les infos qui accompagnent cette version préliminaire :

MCU 1.10 / DSP 0.94, 7-11-2012

* AUTO-NOTCH (AN) ADDED:  Auto-notch can be used to automatically reject interfering constant carriers in SSB and AM modes. (In all other modes, manual notch is available.) To turn auto-notch on/off, hold the NTCH switch. Note: Auto-notch is not available when AGC is turned off.

* NOISE REDUCTION (NR) ADDED:  Receive noise reduction reduces the amplitude of random noise while preserving desired signals. (RX NR is different from the VFO NR menu setting, which can be used to reduce VFO tuning noise on the higher bands.) NR works in CW, SSB, and AM modes. NR has a characteristic “hollow” sound. To turn NR on/off, hold the NR switch. Also see RX NR x menu entry, below. Note: NR is not available when AGC is turned off.

* RX NR x MENU ENTRY ADDED: Allows the user to customize receive noise reduction (NR). The letter appearing at ‘x’  in the menu entry name shows which parameter is being adjusted:  B (beta; tap ‘1’), D (decay; tap ‘2’), or M (wet/dry mix; tap ‘3’). The defaults are recommended, and this menu entry is locked to prevent accidental changes. The NR settings for CW are separate from those for voice modes.

Using the RX NR menu entry:  Unlock the parameter by holding KHZ for about 3 seconds; the VFO A lock icon will disappear. Then tap ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’ to select a parameter to change. You can turn NR on/off while in the menu to test its effectiveness.
The default beta is 5 for CW and 10 for voice modes. A lower beta will further reduce noise, but may attenuate weak signals. The default decay is 240. A much lower decay value will allow NR to track fading signals better, at the expense of somewhat worse noise rejection. The mix value determines how much of the signal is “dry” (unprocessed) vs. “wet” (processed). The default is 220 in CW mode and 250 in voice modes—essentially “all wet”. You might want to use a lower mix number to reduce the “hollow” sound or to minimize the effect of NR on weak signals.

* KXBC3 BATTERY CHARGER/RTC SUPPORT (BAT CHG MENU ENTRY): To use this menu entry, you must have a KXBC3 module and a set of internal batteries installed. ONLY NiMH BATTERIES CAN BE CHARGED. Other battery types can be installed to use the real-time clock and power the radio, but attempting to charge them could damage your KX3, cause a fire or acid leak, or other hazard. This will also void your warranty. Refer to the KXBC3 instruction manual for further details.

Comme  vous le remarquerez le support de la carte chargeur / RTC à venir évolue, ce qui peut nous faire augurer d'une prochaine disponibilité !!!

73s de F4ILX

PS : Cette version préliminaire n'est pas encore distribuée et limitée à une vingtaine de "testeurs" en dehors des testeurs habituels, ayant le privilège de la posséder je vous donnerais mon avis après tests en grandeur nature lors de l'activation deTM12VTR avec mon KX3 à la fin de ce mois.

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